Fourteenth Amendment
14 results-
Women in Law: 1953-1969
ArticleHow a small but growing number of women pursued law careers and advocated before the Supreme Court
William J. Brennan Jr.
Life StoryThe first-generation American who served as an Army Colonel in World War II, became a reform-minded New Jersey judge, and was a consensus builder on the Supreme Court
Thurgood Marshall as an Advocate
ArticleBefore he was a Supreme Court Justice, Marshall advocated for civil rights as a lawyer with the NAACP.
Loving v. Virginia
Significant CaseThe Supreme Court decision upholding equal protection and due process in regard to interracial marriage
Linda Brown
Life StoryThe seven-year-old girl who became the face of Brown v. Board of Education, an educator, and a lifelong activist
Incorporating Rights
EraDuring the 1950s and 1960s, Supreme Court decisions addressed issues involving individual rights in the civil rights movement, the apportionment of voting, police procedures, and the scope of state power in areas such as birth control and school prayer.
Hernandez v. Texas
Significant CaseThe Supreme Court case that recognized Mexican Americans as an independent racial group entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protections
Gus Garcia
Life StoryThe charismatic attorney who fought for civil rights and worked with the first Mexican-American legal team to argue before the Supreme Court
Earl Warren
Life StoryThe accomplished attorney general and California governor who led the Supreme Court as Chief Justice during a 16-year period of many Constitutional decisions protecting individual rights
Dorothy Kenyon
Life StoryThe lawyer and social activist whose lifelong advocacy laid the foundation for litigating women’s rights