
  • de facto segregation

    segregation “in practice,” as opposed to de jure segregation, which is “by law.”

  • de jure segregation

    separation that was mandated by law and enforced by the government

  • defaulted

    Failure to repay a loan.

  • Defendants

    a person who brings a suit to court.

  • Delegate

    A representative in government, usually at the state legislature.

  • Democratic-Republican

    A member of one of the earliest American political parties who supported personal liberty, states’ rights, and agrarian interests (farming).

  • Demographics

    the structure of a population

  • Deplorable

    Shockingly bad.

  • Direct action

    Protest method that used peaceful tactics (like sit-ins and boycotts).

  • Direct action

    a protest method involving using peaceful tactics, such as sit-ins, demonstrations, and boycotts