
  • Treaty of Paris

    Ended the American Revolution and formally recognized the United States as an independent nation.

  • Trespass

    to enter land or property without the permission of the owner.

  • U.S. Army Ordnance Department

    responsible for the production and maintenance of weapons and munition (now known as the Ordnance Corps)

  • U.S. Census

    a population survey conducted every 10 years by the federal government

  • Unanimous

    Characterized by complete agreement.

  • Unanimous

    fully in agreement

  • unappropriated

    Not assigned or taken into possession.

  • Unionism

    ideology supporting keeping the United States unified and opposing secession

  • Unionism

    ideology supporting keeping the United States unified and opposing secession

  • Unionist

    A supporter of the United States staying unified and opposed secession.